Instruction For Authors
KaosQ+ is a journal with a blind peer referee system and it aims at a collection of reflective practices on issues ranging from genders, sexualities to class and ethnicity and their intersections in different contexts such as arts, history, sociology, politics or medicine.
We seek individual and/or collective contributions of people from various institutions, different backgrounds or identities who are engaged in subjects of genders or sexualities inside or outside formal educational institutions. Contributions may reflect variety of approaches and be in various forms (reports, conference proceedings, historical essays etc.). There are certain rules we expect our authors to consider before submitting their works:
Submitted manuscripts should be between 3000-6000 words in length (including endnotes and references).
Authors are required to send their manuscripts with abstracts (of approximately 100- 150 words) in both English and Turkish and with 5 keywords that denote the subject matter and/or questions that the text deal with.
Manuscripts and abstracts should only contain the title of the article. Full names, titles, affiliations, addresses of authors (including phone/fax numbers or email addresses) and a short biography should be supplied on a separate cover page.
Article manuscripts should be written in 12 pt Times New Roman font, 1.5 spaced on MS Word.
Footnotes should be written in 9 pt and 1spaced.
Citations should be set out as endnotes, in normal text immediately following the end of the article, and numbered within the main text. Please do not submit documents that use the Word footnote facility.
Manuscripts should be submitted to:
KaosQueer+ is published annually.
Necessary information and spelling rules to be included in THESIS:
- Title of the thesis
- Name of the author
- Which university and which department the thesis submitted to
- Name and title of the supervisor
- Abstract consisting of 500-600 word.
References should be cited in the text. E.g. (Butler, 2010), (Butler, 2010: 58), (Byerly&Ross, 2006), (Zizek vd., 2011).
Butler, Judith (2010). Frames of War: When Is Life Grievable? London: Verso.
Byerly, Carolyn M. & Ross, Karen (2006). Women and Media. Oxford: Blackwell.
Zizek, Slavoj vd. (2011). Contingency, Hegemony, Universality. London: Verso.
Butler, Judith (2010). Cinsiyet Belası. Çev. Başak Ertan. İstanbul: Metis.
Edited Books:
McNay, Lois (2004). “Agency and Experience: Gender as Lived Relation”. Lisa Adkins&Beverley Skeggs (eds). FeminismAfterBourdieu. Oxford: Blackwell.
Karakuş, P. & Göregenli, M. (2011). “Who is Guilty? Undergraduate students’ Attitudes Towards Hate Crime Based on Sexual Orientation. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 4(3), 253-264
Lange, Dorothea (1936). Migrant Mother., 29.07.2013.
Videos & Films:
Donlon, Marguerite (2008). Le Sacre Du Printemps. İrlanda., 31.07.2013.
Atakan, Zeynep Özbatur (Yapımcı); Ceylan, Nuri Bilge (Yönetmen). (2012). Bir Zamanlar Anadolu’da. Türkiye: Zeynofilm., erişim: 31.07.2013.
Öz, Yasemin. (2010), “Ayrımcılık ve Eşitsizliğin Kanıtı: Anayasa Taslağı”,, 13.09.2012.
SPoD (2012). “SPoD’un Anayasa Kampanyasına Avrupa Parlementosu’ndan Destek”,, 14.09.2012.
Kaos Q+
Tunus PTT, PK 12, Kavaklıdere-Ankara
+90 312 230 6277